Policy Information | |
Series Regulations - Regulations | |
The textbook is an important instructional tool. Itprovides a common body of subject matter material designed to implement an approved course of study. All instructional materials, including textbooks, will be made available in a usable alternative format for each student with a disability at the same time as such materials are available to non-disabled students. The alternative format must meet the National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard (NIMAS) defined in federal law.
1) Requests for a new or supplementary textbook may originate with the individual teacher, administrator, department or grade level.
2) Requests for a change or addition in textbook material together with justification are to be directed to the Building Principal for review. If the request is approved by the Building Principal, the Selection Process as outlined will be used.
Selection Process
1) As curriculum is under constant review and change, concurrent studies should be conducted to find and to select the necessary texts and other instructional materials to support that curriculum.
2) When needs are defined, the securing of sample texts and related material from various sources is an important first step in the selection process.
3) Every effort should be made to utilize a selection committee. Teachers from related fields, reading and library specialists, and building administrators are other appropriate sources for committee membership.
4) Anevaluation form is available for use in the review of textbooks.
A requisition describing the selected material is to be submitted to the Building Principal for approval.
The requisition is then submitted to the District Office for consideration in formulating a proposed budget. As required by law, any textbook being requisitioned that supersedes one that has been in use for a period of less than five (5) years must be approved by a three-fourths vote of the
Board of Education.
Regulations - Regulations | |
NEW TEXTBOOK ADOPTION FORM (pdf file - 148kb) |