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Adoption Date: 9/1/2012, Revised: 9/19/2016
Regulations - Regulations


The District's computer system (DCS hereafter) is provided for staff to enhance the educational programs  of  the  District,  to  further  District goals  and  objectives;  and  to  conduct  research  and communicate with others.

Generally, the same standards of acceptable staff conduct which apply to any aspect of job performance  shall apply to use of the DCS. The standards of acceptable  use as well as prohibited conduct by staff accessing the DCS, as outlined in District policy and regulation, are not intended to be all-inclusive.  The  staff  member  who  commits  an  act  of  misconduct which  is  not  specifically addressed in District policy and/or regulation may also be subject to disciplinary action, including loss of  access  to the DCS as well  as the  imposition  of discipline  under the  law and/or  the applicable collective  bargaining  agreement.  Legal  action  may  also  be  initiated against  a  staff  member  who willfully, maliciously or unlawfully damages or destroys property of the District.

Staff  are encouraged  to utilize  electronic  communications  in their  roles as employees  of  the District. Staff are also encouraged to utilize electronic means to exchange communications with parents/guardians  or homebound students,  subject  to appropriate  consideration  for student  privacy. Such usage shall be limited to school related issues or activities. Communications over the DCS are often   public   in  nature;  therefore,   general   rules  and  standards   for   professional   behavior   and communications  will apply.

The District's policies and accompanying regulations on staff and student use of computerized information  resources  establish  guidelines  for  staff  to follow  in  instruction  and  in  working  with students on acceptable student use of the DSC, including access to external computer networks.


Privacy Rights


Staff  data  files,  email  and  electronic  storage  areas  shall  remain

District  property, subject  to District   control   and   inspection.   The  computer   coordinator   may   access   all   such   files   and communications  without prior notice to ensure system integrity and that users are complying with requirements   of  District  policy  and accompanying   regulations.   Staff  should  NOT  expect  that information stored on the DCS will be private.




It is not the intention of this regulation to define all inappropriate usage. However, in addition to the  general  requirements  of acceptable  staff behavior,  activities  which shall  be prohibited  by staff members using the DCS include, but are not limited to, the following:


1)      Using the DCS which in any way results in unauthorized charges or expense to the District.

2)     Damaging, disabling or otherwise interfering with the operation of computers, computer systems, software or related equipment through physical action or by electronic means.

3)       Using unauthorized software on the DCS.


4)     Changing, copying, renaming, deleting, reading or otherwise accessing files or software not created by the staff member without express permission from the computer coordinator.


5)       Violating copyright law, including the illegal file sharing of music, videos and software.


6)       Employing the DCS for commercial purposes, product advertisement or political lobbying.


7)       Disclosing an individual password to others or using others' passwords.


8)       Sharing confidential information on students and employees with unauthorized agencies.


9)       Sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures.


10)   Using obscene language.


11)   Harassing, insulting, bullying, threatening or attacking others.


12)   Engaging in practices that threaten the DCS (e.g., loading files that may introduce a virus).


13)   Violating regulations prescribed by the network provider.


14)   Use of the DCS for other than school related work or activities.

15)   Assisting a  student  to  violate  District  policy  and/or  regulation, or  failing  to  report knowledge of any student violations of the District's policy and regulation on student use of computerized information resources.


16)   Use which violates any other aspect of Marcus Whitman Central School District policy and/or regulations, as well as local, state or federal laws or regulations.


Any user of the DCS that accesses another network or other computer resources shall be subject to that network's acceptable use policy.



The computer coordinator will report inappropriate behavior to the staff member's supervisor who will investigate. Any other reports of inappropriate behavior, violations or complaints will be routed to the staff member's supervisor for appropriate action. Violations may result in a loss of access to the DCS and/or disciplinary action. When applicable, law enforcement agencies may be involved.




All staff will be given a copy of the District's policies on staff and student use of computerized information resources and the regulations established in connection with those policies. Each staff member will sign an Acceptable Use Agreement (Form #6410F) before establishing an account or continuing their use of the DCS.

Related Files

pdf Employee AUP Form (pdf file - 13kb)