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Adoption Date: 9/1/2012
Regulations - Regulations


The following information is provided to assist staff in planning for field trips and transmitting requests for approval. All transportation involving District students must be processed and approved by the Building Principal, and in cases in which School District vehicles and/or drivers are to be used, approval of the Superintendent or his/her designee is also required.


The  approved Field Trip  Request Form  must  be on  file in  the Principal's office  prior  to the beginning of the trip. A copy is also to be on file in the Transportation Office before transportation can be scheduled. The forms must be kept on file for the duration of the school year.




I)      A field trip is an approved School District sponsored and planned activity, involving students, which takes place away from the traditional school setting. Included are all events and activities outside of the school for which participation, cooperation, or support of the activity is under the control of the School Principal. When a field trip is considered, it must be examined to assure that the trip is:


a.      Appropriate to the curriculum;

b.       Appropriate to the level of maturity of the students; and 

c. Within a reasonable distance from the school. 


The following guidelines should be adhered to if a field trip is planned:


1)     Obtain and complete proper forms at least three (3) weeks prior to day trips and at least six to eight months prior to overnight trips.


2)     Notify nurse of date, time and number of students out of the building for the field trip in order to obtain necessary medication.


3)      Notify cafeteria staff of the number of students who will be out of the building at lunch time.

If you wish to order milk for a field trip, please contact the cafeteria two (2) days in advance.


4)     For those students who remain at school, it is the teacher's responsibility to provide coverage by other faculty members and to provide any materials (plans) needed.


5)     Teachers  shall  prepare and  submit  to  the  Attendance Officer  by  the  morning  before  a scheduled trip a list of all students who will be on the field trip or other activity. Attendance should be taken at the beginning of the trip and  the Attendance Officer notified of  any students who are missing.

6)      Student  conduct  is  governed  by  District  approved  Codes  of Conduct,  and  disciplinary action may result for a student's violation of such Code.


7)     Administration  will decide on a case by case basis if a separate stop at a food court is permitted.


2)      Student transportation includes any mode of transportation necessary to transport students on an approved  educational  and/or  recreational  field  trip   and/or  overnight  trip.  Such  forms  of transportation may include:


a.      Private Contractor Charter Buses, etc.


b.      District School Buses, District School vehicles 

c.        Private Passenger Car

3)     Emergency  situations  are  those  instances  when  a  staff  member  may  be  asked  to  provide transportation for a student  under some unexpected emergency circumstances (e.g., student or family illness). Anemergency covers those instances which occur without prior notice and preclude the provision of the District's usual means of transportation. Insuch instances, alternate transportation will be provided in accordance with law as enumerated in the subheading "Direct Supervision of Students" in this regulation.


4)     A Walking Field Trip is defined as those excursions that involve taking students off school grounds but within walking distance of the school so that no other form of transportation is needed.



The following guidelines should be adhered to if a walking field trip is planned:


1)      Obtain and complete proper forms at least three (3) weeks prior to day trips and at least six to eight months prior to overnight trips.


2)     Notify nurse of date, time and number of students out of the building for the field trip in order to obtain necessary medication.


3)     Notify cafeteria staff of the number of students who will be out of the building at lunch time.

If you wish to order milk for a field trip, please contact the cafeteria two (2) days in advance.


4)       For those students who remain at school, it is the teacher's responsibility to provide coverage by other faculty members and to provide any materials (plans) needed.

5)     Teachers  shall  prepare and  submit  to  the  Attendance  Officer  by  the  morning  before  a scheduled trip a list of all students who will be on the field trip or other activity. Attendance should be taken at the beginning of the trip and the Attendance Officer notified of any students who are missing.


6)     Student conduct is governed by the District's Code of Conduct, and disciplinary action may result for a student's violation of such Code.



5)      Overnight Trips include local, out of state or out-of-country trips which require that students obtain overnight accommodations.


The following guidelines should be adhered to if an overnight trip is planned:


1)      Obtain and complete proper forms at least three (3) weeks prior to day trips and at least six to eight months prior to overnight trips.

2)     Notify nurse of date, time and number of students out of the building for the field trip in order to obtain necessary medication.


3)     For those students who remain at school, it is the teacher's responsibility to provide coverage by other faculty members and to provide any materials (plans) needed.


4)     Teachers  shall  prepare and  submit  to  the  Attendance  Officer  by  the  morning  before  a scheduled trip a list of all students who will be on the field trip or other activity. Attendance should be taken at the beginning of  the trip and  the Attendance Officer notified of any students who are missing.


5)     Student conduct is governed by the District's Code of Conduct, and disciplinary action may result for a student's violation of such Code.


Direct Supervision of Students

Direct supervision of students must be provided to and from the field trip location as well as at the site. Students must be provided supervised transportation back to either the point of departure or to the appropriate school in the District unless the parent or legal guardian of a student participating in such event has provided the District with written notice, consistent with District policy, authorizing an alternative form of return transportation for such student or unless intervening circumstances make such transportation impractical. Incases where intervening circumstances make transportation of a student back to the point of departure or to the appropriate school in the District impractical, a representative of the School District shall remain with the student until such student's parent or legal guardian has been contacted and informed of the intervening circumstances which make such transportation impractical; and the student has been delivered to his/her parent or legal guardian.

Faculty/Staff Supervision on Buses

A faculty or staff member will be assigned to supervise the spectator bus to events away from home. The person assigned to duty will be responsible for discipline on the bus and for checking attendance.


Students are expected to be orderly and cooperative on the bus. Regular school rules for conduct apply. Students who ride on the bus to an event are expected to return on the bus.


If the rules of the-bus are not followed, the following procedure shall be undertaken:


1)      A written report of the incident will be presented to a Building Principal the following school day.


2)     The case will be reviewed by the Building Principal.


3)     The disposition of the case will be documented and the student informed.


The Building Principal responsible for the bus will confer with the chaperones on the possibility of stopping for a snack on the return after an event. The timeliness of the arrival back at school will be a major factor inwhether to grant permission to stop.




Chaperones will immediately advise the teacher in charge of the activity of any intervening circumstances which would prevent a student from being transported back to the District. Arrangements will then be made for a representative of the District to remain with the student until the student has been delivered to his/her parent or legal guardian.


Cancellation of Field Trips/Overnight Trips


The  Superintendent/designee may  cancel previously  approved trips due to  extenuating circumstances.