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Adoption Date: 9/1/2012
Regulations - Regulations


Purchase of Hazardous Materials


All materials (plants, animals, chemicals, solvents, solutions, and cleansers) should be presumed hazardous until they are declared not hazardous.


A material declared not hazardous will be approved for purchase without restriction.


A material declared hazardous will be approved for purchase with appropriate restrictions or will be prohibited.


A qualified science teacher, a qualified art teacher, and a qualified person from buildings and grounds  will  be appointed  to  screen  materials.  They will either  prohibit  the purchase  of specified materials or approve such purchase stating the restrictions which apply.


Information about hazardous materials will be available to all employees through the District's Hazard Communication Plan (HazCom). State and Federal lists of prohibited, restricted and approved materials will be available to all appropriate employees.


Those employees will certify on all purchase orders that the materials ordered are approved for the conditions  under  which  they are ordered. If the  materials  to  be ordered  are  not on a list,  the department  head  shall  submit  the  materials  to  one  of  the  persons  designated  for  approval.  The individual  initiating the purchase must request the Material Safety Data Sheet (OSHA-20 form). The information on this form must be disseminated to all who use the material and the form must be kept on file within the department.


The appropriate employee will state who may use the material (cleaner, teacher, student) and the maximum quantity permitted for purchase.


Storage of Hazardous Materials


Chemicals  or  hazardous  materials  should  be  kept  in  a  central  location  as  per  individual department  or  organization.  This  will  ensure  that  the  proper  facilities  and  requirements  for  their storage (i.e., ventilation or flammability) will be available in a secure facility.


These  materials  should  be grouped according to chemical  compatibility  and stored  on proper shelving or in approved cabinets.


Quantities of a hazardous material or of any chemical should be limited to an as-needed basis or to be used up within one (1) year. This will prevent excess accumulation and ensure that fresh material is available.

 Use of Hazardous Materials


Each department or organization must establish specific guidelines for dispensing, use and disposal of hazardous materials. These guidelines must be posted or otherwise available to people using the materials.


All employees using hazardous materials must be made aware of the hazards of the material, the proper use of these materials, and first aid measures to be taken in the event of accidents and emergencies. This information should be provided by the employee's supervisor as obtained from the "Material Safety Data Sheet."


All hazardous materials which are used will be approved for use subject to the conditions specified concerning:


1)      The people who handle the materials.


2)       The location and conditions where these materials are used.


3)       The quantity to be used.


4)       The quantity available from the dispenser.


5)       The maximum allowed concentration of solutions.


6)       The method of disposal to be used.


7)       Other restrictions such as aprons, glasses, masks,ventilation,etc. Disposal of Hazardous Materials

In order to be responsible in the use of hazardous substances,we must also be concerned with the safe disposal of dangerous, unwanted, or unlabeled materials.


While some materials may be disposed of easily through ordinary means, others require foresight, planning, and a safe method. Each department or organization will maintain a list of proper disposal methods for any hazardous materials it uses.


The disposal of any material denoted as hazardous must be planned before its use and/or purchase. The Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds is to be contacted for removal of these substances for which there is no ordinary means of disposal.