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Adoption Date: 9/1/2012
Regulations - Regulations


New York State Education Law and the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education require local school districts to screen all new entrants and students with low test scores to determine those students who may possibly be gifted, may possibly have a disability or may possibly be of limited English proficiency.




A  new  entrant  means  a  student  entering  the  New  York  State  public  school  system,  pre­ kindergarten through grade 12, for the first time, or re-entering a New York State public school with no available record of a prior screening.


Students with low test scores are students who score below level two on either the third grade

English language arts or mathematics assessment for New York State elementary schools.


Areas to be Screened


Diagnostic Screening shall include, but not be limited to the following: For New Entrants

1)     A health examination by a physician/physician's assistant or nurse practitioner or submission of a health certificate in accordance with Education Law Sections 901, 903, and 904;


2)      Certificates of immunization or referral for immunization in accordance with Section 2164 of the Public Health Law;


3)      Vision,  hearing  and  scoliosis  screenings  as  required  by  Section  136.3  of  Commissioner's Regulations;


4)      A determination of development in oral expression, listening comprehension, written expression, basic  reading  skills  and  reading  fluency  and  comprehension,  mathematical  calculation  and problem solving, motor development, articulation skills, and cognitive development using recognized and validated screening tools; and


5)     A determination  whether the student is of foreign  birth or ancestry and comes from a home where a language other than English is spoken as determined by the results of a home language questionnaire and an informal interview in English and the native language.

 For Students with Low Test Scores


1)      Vision and hearing screenings to determine whether a vision or hearing impairment is impacting the student's ability to learn; and


2)      A review of the instructional programs in reading and mathematics to ensure that explicit and research validated instruction is being provided in reading and mathematics.


Responsibility for Screening



1)     New entrants, including prekindergarten and kindergarten students, shall be referred by persons responsible for registration to both the guidance director and the school's registered professional nurse for screening. Screening shall be completed no later than December 1 of the school year or within fifteen (15) days of transfer of the student should the entry take place after December 1.


2)       Students with low test scores shall be referred to the Building 1ST.


Screening Report Forms


The results of the diagnostic screening shall be reviewed and a written report of each student screened shall be prepared by appropriately qualified School District staff. The report shall include a description of diagnostic screening devices used, the student's performance on those devices and, if required, the appropriate referral. All screening information shall be kept confidential.


Screening Instruments


The Principal and the Director of Student Support Services shall cooperate to select appropriate screening instruments.


Diagnostic screening shall be conducted by persons appropriately trained or qualified and in the case of students  where the language  of the home is other than English,  by persons appropriately trained or qualified in the student's native language.


Referring Students as a Result of Screening


1)      Children  who  may possibly have a disability  shall be referred to the Committee  on Special

Education (CSE) or the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE).


2)     Children who may possibly be gifted shall be reported to the Superintendent and notification shall be provided to the parents/guardians.


 3)     Children  who  may  possibly  be  of  limited  English  proficiency  shall  be  referred  for  further assessment to determine eligibility for appropriate transitional bilingual or free-standing English as a Second Language (ESL) programs.