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Adoption Date: 9/1/2012Regulations - Regulations
A school volunteer is defined as a non-paid person who assists District staff, including but not limited to instructional personnel, in curricular, co-curricular, or extracurricular programs. A volunteer is a person who offers to provide assistance or service of his/her own free will without legal obligations.
General Guidelines
1) Use of volunteers shall not conflict with or replace any duly appointed and/or authorized District personnel or the duties/job responsibilities of such personnel. Any information gained through volunteering must be held in strict confidence with the Principal/designee assuring that the volunteer has no access to confidential student or personnel data unless as designated by a school official in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
2) Volunteers may assist on an occasional or regularly scheduled basis, yet, may not teach or provide the initial instruction for accomplishing educational objectives; but may reinforce skills taught by the professional staff.
3) Volunteers may not provide transportation to students in their personal automobiles for any school-sponsored activities.
4) Volunteers may not be assigned the responsibility for disciplining students but may assist the teacher in maintaining proper behavior of students and report behavioral problems to the teacher.
5) Volunteers may not supervise a class in the absence of the teacher.
6) Volunteers are not to contact parents regarding the performance of students or write comments on any papers/schoolwork sent home.
Implementation of the Volunteer Program
1) General administration of the volunteer program in the District shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent or his/her designee with Principals or Administrators assuming general authority over volunteers.
2) The need for volunteers will be determined by the Principal and other personnel.
3) An application shall be filled out by each prospective volunteer and forwarded to the District Office and/or School Resource Officer for evaluation. All regularly scheduled volunteers will, at a minimum, complete an application, provide authorization for a reference check, and shall be screened and interviewed by the Building Principal or his/her designee as necessary. Occasional volunteers will be screened by the Building Principal in a manner of his/her choosing.
4) The School Resource Officer/Building Principal will forward his/her decisions concerning selection, placement and replacement of volunteers to the District Clerk to be included in the next Board agenda for final evaluation. Following approval from the Board of Education, volunteers selected for work in the District shall be placed on the list of approved volunteers. However, the Superintendent retains the right to approve or reject any volunteerapplications submitted for consideration.
5) Principals and other administrators shall assume final responsibility for the assignment of volunteers from the approved list. Assignment of a volunteer must be acceptable to the supervisory staff member.
6) Volunteers will work under the supervision of appropriate staff and are expected to comply with all District rules and regulations.
7) Anaccurate list of volunteers shall be kept by the District Office and made available to all administrators.
8) The District does not carry health/accident insurance or Workers' Compensation on volunteers.
They are covered for their actions or omissions within the scope of their approved authority
under the liability section of the District's umbrella policy. However, this is not the case for
visitors to the school who do not act in a volunteer capacity.
9) Volunteers must sign in and out during regular school hours at the appropriate school office.
10) The District Office will keep a volunteer registry which will include, but not be limited to, the following information: name, address, telephone number, emergency contact.
11) Volunteers must wear appropriate identification to ensure immediate recognition as persons whose specific purpose is helping students and staff. Appropriate identification will be determined by the Superintendent or Building Principal/Supervisor, or designee.
12) Annual renewal of volunteer approval is necessary. The volunteer renewal form must be completed annually.