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Adoption Date: 9/1/2012
Regulations - Regulations


1)     Fundraising is defined as selling merchandise or services in school, on school grounds, or in the community which the school serves.


a.       No fundraiser should be planned without permission of an administrator.


b.      Anagreement or contract should not be signed by a teacher or student; agreements and contracts must be signed by the Building Principal.


2)     Requests  for  fundraisers  or  fundraising  events  should  be  submitted  by  June  1 for  the first semester,  and  November  1for  the  second  semester.  No  fundraiser  should  go  beyond  the discussion stage without specific approval from an administrator.


a.       Advance  planning  will  allow  adequate  publicity  of  fundraising  activities  and  prevent misrepresentation of our fundraising activities in the school community.


If an organization or group has a fundraising proposal rejected, they will receive written notice and be given the opportunity to request alternate fundraising times or events.


A tentative calendar of fundraising events will be published before the close of school each



b.       To initiate a fundraising event, a written request should be presented to the School Office to reserve a tentative spot on the calendar.


c.       When no conflict exists on the calendar, the request will then be forwarded to the Principal who  may  sign  the  request  and  forward  the  request  to  the   Superintendent.  Either administrator may reject a request.


d.       When the volume of requests results in conflicts for the same activity/event or overloading of the calendar, a committee  composed  of the advisors of the groups  with conflicting requests, and an administrator, will meet and resolve the impasse.


e.       Requests for fundraising requests/events will be acted upon by the administrator within a week.


f.       Exceptions to the June 1/November 1 deadlines may be made upon request of an advisor and the approval of an administrator.


 3)      Fundraising should benefit students collectively or in recognized groups. Fundraisers/events should not be for the benefit of individual students.


a.      Property purchased as a result of a fundraiser/eventis for the use of students when they are part of student groups and should not be used to purchase personal consumable items. The materials or supplies become the property of Marcus Whitman Central School District and must be available for reasonable use by other student groups.


b.      Certain services for students, such as training and entrance fees, may be paid for by funds derived from fundraisers/events, upon the recommendation of the advisor/coach and with the consent of an administrator.


c.       Fundraising should  be  limited  to  educational purposes, either  directly  or  indirectly.

Fundraisingfor purposes of amusement will be given the least priority.


d.      Approval of  a  fundraising activity/event is  for  that  request only.  Future fundraising requests will be approved based upon total criteria contained in this regulation. Preference will be given to groups who have previously put on activities/events judged satisfactory by the administration.


e.      The approved organization or group sponsoring a fundraising activity will be responsible for:


(1)     Security,if the need is determined by the administration.


(2)    Prompt and reasonable clean-up of any indoor/outdoor area used by the group, or payment for custodial services rendered.


(3)    Chaperones; however, teacher paid chaperones may be provided by the Marcus

Whitman CentralSchool District.


(4)   Setting up an accountable ticket system,a system to securely handle all funds, adequate workers to put on the activity, the preparation of all report forms and the prompt payment of all bills in the prescribed manner.


(5)    Those groups which complete all of their responsibilities appropriately, in the opinion of the administration, may then apply for the same or similar activity in the following year.

 4)     Under  no  circumstances  may  staff  require,  or  give  the  impression  that  they  are  requiring, students to sell items or pay a fee to defray a portion of the expenses of the District's educational program.


5)     Groups or organizations are responsible for the collection of any appropriate  sales taxes and remission of the same to the New York State Division of Sales Tax.


6)     When conflicts arise between groups/organizations  for the same or similar fundraisers/events, the following criteria, in general, shall apply:


a.       The   past   performance   of   a   group/organization   in   carrying   out   their   fundraising responsibilities as outlined in this regulation, will be considered.


b.       The purpose for which the funds are being generated will be a factor.


c.       Broader-based student groups shall be given consideration over groups of narrower student focus.


7)     Fundraisers/events will not be approved by the administration without a very specific purpose for the use of the funds and as specified in requests Fundraising Approval (Form #7450F).


a.       Deviations for the spending of the funds must be approved by the administration.


b.       Appropriate  publicity must be given to any splitting of funds so that the public is fully aware of who will be receiving shares of the funds generated.


c.       Any equipment/materials  and supplies  purchased by the group must  be approved  by an administrator  in advance  of ordering.  In the area of sports equipment  or  materials and supplies, the Athletic Director shall also agree to the appropriateness of a purchase prior to ordering.


Related Files

pdf FUNDRAISING APPROVAL FORM (pdf file - 20kb)