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Adoption Date: 9/1/2012
Regulations - Regulations




1)              "Communicable  Disease" - A disease caused by an infectious  agent (bacterial, viral, parasitic, other) which can be spread from one individual to others.


2)       "Agent"- Pathogenic bacteria, viruses, parasites or toxins which cause disease.


3)      "Host"- Individual either infected with pathogenic agent or susceptible to infection.


4)       "Environment"  - All factors external to the agent and host which must be present to facilitate spread of agent.


 5)      "School   Health   Service  Personnel"  -  school  physician,   school  nurse   practitioner,   school registered professional nurse and other professional persons employed to render health care and services.

Delegation of Authority


The Superintendent of Schools is authorized to implement this regulation in accordance with the

New York State Education Law, Public Health Law, and Sanitary Code.


Primary responsibility for implementation of this regulation lies with the Building Principal and school  registered  professional  nurse, with advice  from  the school  nurse  practitioner  and/or  school physician as necessary.  All School Health  Service Personnel  are charged with the responsibility  to inform  and  advise  Administration  about  current  scientific  knowledge  concerning  communicable disease control.


Basic Assumptions


The spread of communicable disease is halted by any one of the following:


1)      Decreasing the pathogenicity of the agent;


2)       Decreasing the susceptibility of the host;

 3)       Changing the environment which makes the spread of disease possible. Thefocus of communicable disease control is prevention through:

1)     Immunization;

2)       Cleanliness and Sanitation;


3)       Health Education;


4)      Case finding by School Personnel;


5)       Isolation, as appropriate, of person with communicable disease from others in the school setting;


6)      Encouragement of appropriate medical management.


Isolation of Person With Communicable Disease




Any student who shows symptoms of any communicable or infectious disease which is reportable under the Public Health Law and the State Sanitary Code that imposes a significant risk of infection of others in the school shall be immediately excluded from school until one of the following requirements for readmittance is fulfilled:


1)     Submission of a certificate from the student's physician attesting to recovery;


2)       Submission of a permit for readmittance to school, issued by the local Health Officer;


3)       Submission of authorization for readmission issued by the Marcus Whitman Central School

District Director of School Health Services.


If it is determined by the School Health Service Personnel that a student's physical condition endangers the health or safety of the individual or others, that individual may be suspended from school under the authority of, and in accordance with procedures established by Education Law Sections 906 and 3214. This determination will be in accordance with informed medical opinion as to the infectiousness of the agent, the mode of transmission, the seriousness of the disease, and the treatment regimen. The goal is to prevent the spread of communicable disease and to facilitate the ill individual's return to health.


The Director of School Health Services shall immediately notify the local public health agency of any disease reportable under the Public Health Law.

If a student with a communicable disease is not required to be excluded from school, an individual care plan will be developed by the School Health Service Personnel, in conjunction with other appropriate building personnel, to include methods to prevent the spread of infection to others and to reduce the risk of exacerbation of the student's disease.


Decisions regarding the type of educational program and care setting for a student with a communicable disease shall be based on:


1)      The age, behavior, neurological development, and physical condition of the child;


2)       The expected interaction of the child with others in the school setting;


3)       The risks and benefits to both the ill student and to others in that setting; and


4)      Other relevant criteria.


If the student is excluded from school as a result of the communicable disease, the school administration shall provide said student with an adequate alternative education.


If a student with a communicable disease is suspected to be a child with a disability, such as to require special education by reason of his/her health impairment, the student shall be referred to the School District Committee on Special Education (CSE). The CSE shall conduct an evaluation and determine if the student is a child with a disability.




When the Superintendent has reasonable cause to believe that an employee has a communicable disease, the Superintendent shall:


1)      Report the full name and address of the employee to the local Health Officer;


2)     Request the Board of Education to require the employee to submit to an examination by the school physician/nurse practitioner; and


3)     Require the employee to grant written authorization for the release of medical reports, and for his/her personal physician to discuss the matter with the school physician/nurse practitioner.

If it is determined that the employee has a disease which is designated as communicable  by the State Sanitary Code, the Superintendent of Schools shall refer the matter to the school physician/nurse practitioner who shall isolate the employee pending official action by the local Health Officer.


If the disease is highly communicable, but not designated as such by the State Sanitary Code, or if the school  physician/nurse  practitioner  determines  that  the individual  is endangering  himself  or herself by continuing to work, the employee is encouraged and may be required to remain at home and seek appropriate medical management.


An employee with a communicable  disease shall be granted paid sick leave in accordance with the applicable collective bargaining agreement.


If an employee with a communicable  disease is able to be in school and there is little risk to others (as determined by the school physician/nurse practitioner), the administration will attempt to accommodate the work environment to assist the individual. A plan will be developed as necessary to protect the ill individual and to prevent the spread of infection to others in the school setting. Said plan may include reassignment  of the employee to a position where he/she works in isolation or limited contact with others.


If  the  school  physician/nurse   practitioner  determines  that  1)  the  employee  has  a  currently contagious disease or infection and 2) the presence of the employee on the job is and will continue to constitute a direct threat to the health, safety or welfare of that employee or other individuals by reason of his/her currently communicable  disease or that the employee is unable to perform the duties of the job by reason of his/her currently communicable  disease, such employee shall be removed from the regular  workplace  and  his/her  employment  may  be  terminated  or  suspended  in  accordance  with applicable statutes and regulations. Any employee, contagious or not, who is unable to perform his/her customary duties or those of any alternative assignment, shall be terminated or placed on disability retirement. The Superintendent  of Schools shall see that procedural protections are complied with in any decision to terminate or retire an employee.


Encouragementof Appropriate Medication Management


In addition to the above procedures, any individual with a suspected communicable disease will be referred to his/her family physician. As appropriate, School Health Service Personnel will:


1)      Advise the seeking of professional care or advice from the physician, pharmacist,clinic or other;


 2)      Aid the  individual in  complying with the  treatment regimen in  cooperation with  the primary health care provided;


3)      Encourage follow-up; and


4)       Act as a resource to the family to facilitate the individual's return to optimum health.

School attendance will be either encouraged or discouraged in the best interest of the ill



Employee Obligation


No susceptible employee shall be required to work with or to have personal contact with an individual with a communicable disease unless safeguards have been made to avoid the spread of the disease within the school setting.


In the event that alternate instruction is planned which requires personal contact with an infected student, a school employee may decline such assignment without penalty.




The individual's privacy shall be protected by school personnel. Except as otherwise required by law, the identity of any individual with a communicable disease shall not be revealed. All records shall be confidential.


Except if otherwise authorized by the infected employee, student or person in parental relation, the only persons who will be informed of an infected individual's condition are those who:


1)      Require such knowledge to assure proper care of the illindividual;or


2)       Should be informed to detect situations where the potential for transmission may increase;



3)      Are individuals who, in the judgment of the family and School Health Service Personnel, should have such knowledge.

Cleanliness and Sanitation


Pursuant to the Public Health Law, Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, and Recommendation of the Center for Disease Control, the School Administration shall establish, and all school  personnel  shall  comply  with,  routine  procedures  for  handling  body  fluids  and  wastes  and storing, handling, and disposing of hypodermic syringes and needles. Procedures will be developed by the Superintendent of Schools.


Handwashing  is fundamental  in the prevention  of the spread  of  infection.  All personnel  and students are required to thoroughly wash their hands with soap and water before handling food, after toileting, and after handling body fluids and discharges.


Under the authority of the Food Service  Director, all Food Service  Personnel  are required  to comply with the New York State Sanitary Code to best avoid the spread of food borne infection.


Under the authority of the Superintendent, all school buildings will be cleaned and maintained so as to best prevent the spread of infection.


Health Education


School Health Service Personnel shall keep informed of current scientific information to enable them to better prevent the spread of communicable  disease and will share this knowledge with other school personnel as appropriate.


School Health Service Personnel shall give information to parents/guardians as appropriate to aid in the prevention, treatment, or interruption of the spread of communicable disease.


Students from grades K through 12 will receive instruction about the causes, prevention, and treatment of communicable diseases to enable them to remain as free from illness as possible.