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Adoption Date: 3/6/2017
Regulations - Regulations

6410R.1 District Social Media Guidelines

District Social Media Guidelines

A. Introduction/Purpose

Social media technology can serve as a powerful tool to enhance education, communication, and learning. This technology can provide both educational and professional benefits, including preparing Gorham-Middlesex CSD (“District”) students and staff to succeed in their educational and career endeavors.

The District is committed to ensuring that all District stakeholders, including staff and students, who utilize social media technology for professional purposes as described below, do so in a safe and responsible manner. The District strives to create professional/classroom social media  environments that mirror the academically supportive environments of our schools.  

These Social Media Guidelines (“Guidelines”) provide guidance regarding recommended practices for professional/classroom social media communication between District employees  as well as social media communication among District employees and students and parents.

In recognition of the public and pervasive nature of social media communications, as well as the fact that in this digital era, the lines between professional and personal endeavors are sometimes blurred, these Guidelines also address recommended practices for use of personal social media by District staff. Please refer to the District’s Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy (“AUP”) for additional guidance.


For purposes of this regulation, the definition of public social media networks/tools or Social Networking sites (SNS) are defined to include: Web sites, Web logs (blogs), wikis, social networks, online forums, virtual worlds, and any other social media generally available to the public or consumers and which do not fall within the District's electronic technology network (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, blog sites, etc.). The definition of District approved password-protected social media tools are those that fall within the District's electronic technology network or which the District has access to and has approved for educational use. Within these internal or controlled access forums, the District has greater authority and ability to protect minors from inappropriate content, limit public access and uphold data privacy guidelines.


For the purposes of these guidelines, professional/classroom social media use is hereby defined as official, professional or classroom use.


B. Definitions:

Social Media Social media is defined as any form of online publication or presence that allows interactive communication, including, but not limited to, social networks, blogs, Internet websites, Internet forums, and wikis. Examples of social media include, but are not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, and Flickr.

Professional/Classroom social media use is defined as the use of social media by an employee, on behalf of his or her department, program or school that has been authorized for the express purpose of communicating the District's broad interests or specific programmatic and policy interests. For example, the School District may decide to have its own official Facebook page or employees could be authorized to develop other pages dedicated to a single building, program, or sports team. There are also many official uses of social media that are not public, such as the use of internal blogs or wikis for collaboration among grade-level or project teams. Employees are prohibited from setting up public social networking sites for any official District use related to their division, building or service unless they have obtained prior approval in accordance with the procedures set forth below.

Personal social media use is a non work-related social media activity (e.g., a District employee establishing a Facebook page or a Twitter account for his/her own personal use).

C. Establishing a Social Networking Site for Official District Use


1)    Following approval from the appropriate Building Principal and/or Technology Coordinator, the technology staff will work with the department, building or service to properly set up an appropriate social networking site. All account names and login passwords must be on file with the District. District email addresses will be used for official District Use sites.

2)    The Superintendent/designee shall have the exclusive and final authority to determine whether individual buildings/facilities may initiate and maintain separate page(s) on any SNS.


D. Quality Control/Content Integrity


1)    The District shall provide general training for all applicable personnel, including training on ethical and legal considerations, and compliance with all applicable policies and regulations.


2)    The official District Web site will remain the primary source for all content. Any and all material on the District SNS will only supplement information that exists on the District's official website.


4)    When posting photographs, all photos must be in compliance with student/staff data privacy and photo release agreements before being posted on District owned websites and/or SNS.   


5)    Do not post confidential or proprietary information about the District, its students, alumni or employees. Use good judgment, follow District policies and other regulations (i.e., FERPA).


6)    Thoroughly spell check and grammar check your content before posting. Citizens expect that education employees will set a good example when they write and speak in public.


7)    Remember you are writing for publication, even on social networks. Refrain from making unsubstantiated statements. Always provide full citations for laws or research.


E. Applicability

These Guidelines apply to all District employees. The District will take steps to ensure that other District stakeholders, including vendors, volunteers, and independent contractors are informed of these Guidelines.

D. Professional/Classroom Social Media Use

1. Maintaining Separate Professional and Personal E-mail Accounts

District employees who decide to engage in professional/classroom social media use activities should maintain separate professional and personal e-mail addresses. As such, District employees should not use their personal e-mail address for professional/classroom social media use activities, rather, employees should use a professional e-mail address that is completely separate from any personal social media they maintain.


2. Communication with District Students

District employees who work with students and communicate with students through professional/classroom social media use sites should follow these guidelines:

a.     Professional/Classroom social media use sites that are school-based should be designed to address reasonable instructional, educational, or extracurricular program matters;

b.     Each school year, Teachers will notify parents about the professional/classroom social media use activities their children may participate in.


3. Guidance Regarding Professional/Classroom Social Media Use Sites

a.    District employees should treat professional/classroom social media use space and communication like a classroom and/or a professional workplace. The same standards expected in District professional settings are expected on professional/classroom social media use sites. If a particular type of behavior is inappropriate in the classroom or a professional workplace, then that behavior is also inappropriate on the professional/classroom social media use site;

b.     District employees should exercise caution, sound judgment, and common sense when using professional/classroom social media use sites.

c.     When establishing professional/classroom social media use sites, supervisors and employees should consider the intended audience for the site and consider the level of privacy assigned to the site, specifically, whether the site should be a private network (for example, it is limited to a particular class or particular grade within a school) or a public network (for example, anyone within the school, a larger group within the District community can participate or individuals outside of the District). It is recommended practice for professional/classroom social media use sites to be private networks, unless there is a specific educational need for the site to be a public network.

c.1.     Employees should read and understand each potential site’s privacy policy.  Sites that do not meet District privacy standards will not be approved. District standards are identified in policy #7242 Student Directory Information.

d.     District employees must obtain their supervisor’s approval using the registration form before setting up a professional/classroom social media use presence.

e.     To the extent possible, based on the social media site being used, District supervisors or their designees should be given separate administrator rights providing limited access to the professional/classroom social media use accounts established by District employees. See FAQ #22, for more information.

f.     If a professional/classroom social media use site undergoes a significant change (for example, a Facebook page being used to share questions about reading assignments will now be used to share ideas with a class at a school in another country), consider whether a revised registry form and revised parental notification is needed. As needed, schools can continue to inform families about newly created social media sites.

g.     Supervisors and their designees will have access to a list of all professional/classroom social media use accounts that will be reviewed annually .

h.     Professional District social media sites should include language identifying the sites as professional/classroom social media use District sites to differentiate from personal sites. For example, the professional sites can identify the District school, department, or particular grade that is utilizing the site. See FAQ 11 for more information.

i.     Employees that wish to create a social media presence for their office should work with building principal/department  supervisor and possibly consult with the District Office for additional guidance prior to creating a social media presence.

j.     All professional/classroom social media  sites  should have a reasonable relationship to the mission and function of the District.

k.     District employees should use privacy settings to control access to their professional/classroom social media use sites with the objective that professional/classroom social media use communications only reach the intended audience. However, District employees should be aware that there are limitations to privacy settings. Private communication published on the Internet can easily become public. Furthermore, social media sites can change their current default privacy settings and other functions. As a result, each employee has a responsibility to understand the rules of the social media site being utilized.

l.     Professional/Classroom social media use communication must be in compliance with existing regulations, District policies and applicable laws, including, but not limited to, prohibitions on the disclosure of confidential information and prohibitions on the use of harassing, obscene, discriminatory, defamatory or threatening language.

m.     No personally identifiable student information, as defined in policy 7242 Student Directory Information and Data Privacy may be posted by District employees on professional/classroom social media use sites that are open beyond the classroom, which may include, for example, a “buddy” class in another country. If images of students are to be posted online there must be a photo release agreement on file at the school for each child featured.

n.     District students who participate in professional/classroom social media use sites may not be permitted to post photographs or videos featuring other students without the approval of the teacher or other District employee responsible for the site.

o.     It is not recommended that District employees post photos of other District employees on professional/classroom social media use sites without prior permission of the photographed employee.

4. Monitoring of professional/classroom social media use Sites

a.     District principals/supervisors, or their designees, are responsible for monitoring and providing feedback regarding their employees’ professional/classroom social media use sites. The monitoring responsibilities include reviewing the professional/classroom social media use sites periodically. If principals/supervisors discover questionable communications or behavior on professional/classroom social media use sites, they are required to contact the Superintendent or designee.

b.     To assist in monitoring, as a recommended practice to the extent possible, the District employee should examine the default settings for comments on professional/classroom social media use sites and in general use more restrictive custom settings. The District employee creating the site should intentionally move to more public settings only as dictated by need. If the setting for comments is turned on, allowing any user to post a comment without review, the comments on the site should be monitored regularly.

c.     Employees using professional/classroom social media use have no expectation of privacy with regard to their use of such media. District principals/supervisors, or their designees, will   periodically monitor professional/classroom social media use sites to protect the school community.

d.     District principal/supervisors should maintain a detailed log of all reported non-compliant communications as well as any violations that are otherwise brought to the principal/supervisor’s attention. Such reports of non-compliant communications should be immediately addressed.


5. Press Inquiries

a.     Any press inquiries received via professional/classroom social media use sites should be referred to the District Office.

E. Personal Social Media Use

1. Communication with District Students

In order to maintain a professional and appropriate relationship with students, District employees should not communicate with students who are currently enrolled in District schools on personal social media sites. District employees’ communication with District students via personal social media is subject to the following exceptions: (a) communication with relatives and (b) if an emergency situation requires such communication, in which case the District employee should notify his/her principal/supervisor of the contact as soon as possible.

2. Guidance Regarding Personal Social Media Sites

District employees should exercise caution and common sense when using personal social media sites:

a.     As a recommended practice, District employees are encouraged to use appropriate privacy settings to control access to their personal social media sites. However, be aware that there are limitations to privacy settings. Private communication published on the Internet can easily become public. Furthermore, social media sites can change their current default privacy settings and other functions. As a result, employees are responsible for understanding the rules of the social media site being utilized.

b.     It is not recommended that District employees “tag” photos of other District employees, District volunteers, District contractors or District vendors without the prior permission of the individuals being tagged.

c.     Personal social media use, including off-hours use, has the potential to result in disruption at school and/or the workplace, and can be in violation of District policies and law.

d.     The posting or disclosure of personally identifiable student information or confidential information via personal social media sites, is prohibited.

e.     District employees should not use the District’s logo or make representations that their personal social media sites speak in an official District capacity.


F. Applicability of District Policies and Other Laws

1.     These Guidelines provide guidance intended to supplement, not supersede, existing District policies and laws. Users of professional/classroom social media use sites must comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, including, but not limited to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) (http://business.ftc.gov/privacy-and-security/children), Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (http://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/index.html), intellectual property laws, student code of conduct and NYS Student Data Privacy regulations.

2.     All existing District policies, regulations and laws that cover employee conduct may be applicable in the social media environment. These include, but are not limited to, the Conflicts of Interest Law, the District Internet and Acceptable and Use Safety Policy, and Section 3020-a of the Education Law.

3.     District employees who are mandated reporters are required to abide by the same reporting responsibilities in a social media context.

Various NY state and Education Department  Regulations as well as District Policies impose reporting requirements on District employees.  See  7530 Child Abuse, 7530 Corporal Punishment, 6121 Sexual Harassment of District Personnel, 7551 Sexual Harassment of Students, 6180 Staff-Student Relations, 7552 Bullying: Peer abuse in the schools; 7550 Dignity for all Students Act .

G. Additional Inquiries

This document is meant to provide general guidance and does not cover every potential social media situation. As these Guidelines address rapidly changing technology, the District will regularly revisit these Guidelines and will update them as needed.

H. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Why is the District issuing guidance regarding social media?

Social media technology offers many educational benefits. The District is issuing this guidance to provide recommended practices for employees to take advantage of this technology in a manner that encourages professionalism, responsibility, safety, and awareness. In addition, these Guidelines provide recommended best practices for employees who use social media for personal communications.

2. Do the Guidelines apply to all District employees or just school-based employees?

The Guidelines apply to all District employees.

3. What are some common types of social media?

Blogs - Short for ‘web-logs’, these are sites that can function as ongoing journals with multiple entries. Typically, entries are categorized with ‘tags’ for easy searching. Most blogs allow for reader comments. Examples: Blogger, Wordpress, TypePad.

Micro-Blogs - These blogs allow for shorter content posts, typically with a limited set of typed characters allowed. Micro-blogs can be used for status updates and to quickly communicate information to ‘friends’ or ‘followers.’ Examples: Twitter, Tumblr.

Networking - These sites allow people to connect with each other around common interests, pursuits and other categories. Examples: Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Ning.

Photo/Video - These sites allow people to share videos, images, slideshows, and other media. Often these sites allow viewers to comment and share posted content. Examples: YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr.

4. The Guidelines state that they are intended to supplement not supersede, existing District policies, and laws.  What does this mean?

  • This means that all social media use should be in compliance with existing District policies, student code of conduct and applicable laws.

5. Why is it a recommended practice to have separate professional and personal social media sites and e-mail addresses?

  • The reason for this distinction is to ensure separation between personal and professional spheres of online communication for District employees. In this context, this separation is intended to clarify that professional/classroom social media use and personal social media are different. Professional/classroom social media use is work-related and may involve employee-to-student communication. Personal social media is not work-related and, subject to certain exceptions noted in the Guidelines, does not involve employee-to-student communication.

6. May District employees using social media for personal use communicate with District colleagues?

  • These Guidelines do not address communication between employees on personal social media sites. District employees who use personal social media are encouraged to use appropriate privacy settings to control access to their personal social media sites.

7. What are recommended best practices for District employees with personal social media sites that are professional in nature and involve students but are unrelated to the District? For example, a District staff member who runs a book club in their free time.

  • Employees should follow the Guidance regarding professional social media sites as stated in section D.3.a. of  the Guidelines and also refer to Policy #6180 Staff-Student Relations (Fraternization). Employees should think about their privacy settings and limit their audience. Also remember, even though an employee is “off the clock,” students will think of the employee as an authority figure. If an employee discovers that he or she is engaging with District students through social media in this type of activity, the District employee should notify their building principal/dept. supervisor.

8. What if District employees are already using social media for either professional or personal


  • Personal social media use: The Guidelines recommend that District employees who use social media for personal purposes should remove current District students from those sites. There are exceptions noted in the Guidelines.

  • Employees should periodically review the Social Media Guidelines and FAQ – which will be updated as needed – to ensure familiarity with the recommended practices. The District will notify employees when the Guidelines are updated. School administrators will ensure their teachers and other staff are informed.

9.  When using social media, when and where should the District logo be used?

  • The District logo should be used for official District business.  Websites and social media sites that officially represent a school may use the District logo.  For example if a school has an approved “eChalk” site, it may display the logo. If District employees should not use the logo if they are creating a non-official communication. A blog, for example, where an employee discusses education, but where the employee does not officially represent the District, should not have the District logo. Please note that when a social media site, such as LinkedIn and Facebook, generates the District logo automatically, it does not pose a problem.

10. What other technology-related guidance exists to guide District employees participating in social media?

The District’s Policy 6410 Staff Use of Computerized Information Resources (AUP) and Policy  8271 Children’s Internet Protection Act: Internet Content Filtering/Safety Policy and Policy 6180 Staff-Student Relations (Fraternization) accompanying Regulations and Procedures governs all electronic activity of staff using and accessing the District’s network, including District e-mail. Student use of District computing systems, including social media, is also governed by the policies Policy 7315 Student Use of Computerized Information Resources (AUP), 7001 Student Use of Personal Technology.

  • Professional/classroom social media use: District employees currently using social media for professional purposes should examine whether their use aligns with the Social Media Guidelines and these FAQs. Any use not consistent with these documents should be altered or amended within a reasonable period of time. If employees have linked a professional/classroom social media use site to a personal e-mail address, they should transition the site to a professional e-mail address.

If the proposed professional/classroom social media use involves students, employees are required to review the social media site’s regulations and determine at what age children are allowed to use the site. For example, if a teacher planned to create a Facebook page for his fourth grade class, he would learn that Facebook requires users to be 13 or older to use their site and he would need to use something else.

Employees should understand the default privacy and viewing settings for the social media site. Where possible, we recommend that District employees establish groups or pages, rather than individual profiles, for educational purposes.

11. What happens if a District employee changes the privacy or access level of a social media site beyond what was initially approved during the school year?

If the professional/classroom social media use site undergoes a significant change (for example, a Facebook page being used to share questions about reading assignments will now be used to share ideas with a class at a school in another country), the District employee should inform his or her principal/supervisor and parents of the change. If the change is deemed significant, the principal/supervisor should advise the District employee whether a revised registration form is needed.


12. Should parents be notified regarding their child’s social media use for school-related activities?

Yes. District schools should notify parents on an annual basis if their child is invited to participate in professional/classroom social media use activities. Parents who have questions or concerns about their child's use of social media for school purposes should contact the school for more information.


13. The Guidelines recommend that principals (or their designees) have administrator rights. Does this mean that teachers or school-based staff are required to hand over their professional/classroom social media use username and password to principals and their designees?

It does not. Teachers and staff can give the principal or principal’s designee administrator access to a site. The purpose is to provide supervisors with limited access, using their own log-in username and password. For example, if a teacher is out recovering from an extended illness, the principal or designee, can continue to monitor the professional/classroom social media use site.


14. Are teachers mandated reporters when it comes to online activity?

Yes. As indicated in the Guidelines teachers are mandated reporters.


15. Do these Guidelines apply to District students?

As indicated in the Guidelines, student-to-student communication via social media is not addressed.   This topic is addressed in code of conduct, DASA policy, anti harassment policy.


16. How should District employees respond to “friend” requests by current District students on their, personal social media sites and accounts?

If District employees receive a request from a current District student to connect or communicate through a personal social media site, they should decline the request.

Here’s a suggested response: “Please do not be offended, but I cannot accept your request. As a District employee, it’s best for us to communicate using my professional/classroom social media use account. The agency’s Social Media Guidelines discourage interactions with current District students on personal social media sites. If you do want to connect, please contact me through the school (or class) page or group at ____ [insert link to your page].”


17. What should principals/supervisors and their designees, who are responsible for monitoring professional/classroom social media use, do when they discover or receive a report of inappropriate activity?

A principal/supervisor who discovers or receives a report of inappropriate or questionable content posted on a professional/classroom social media use site should contact the Superintendent or designee as soon as possible. If other members of a school community find inappropriate material on a professional/classroom social media use site, they are encouraged to report it to a principal/supervisor.


18. Are teachers or other school-based staff personally liable for student posts on professional social media sites?

If a teacher views an inappropriate post, the teacher is required to follow existing District regulations regarding reporting obligations. The District also recommends that teachers act as moderators for professional/classroom social media use sites – and that students should not be able to post on professional/classroom social media use sites without teacher approval.


NYC Department of Education Social Media Guidelines were used as a platform to create the above guidelines.