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Adoption Date: 9/1/2012
Regulations - Regulations


The Marcus Whitman Central School District provides transportation to students in grades K through 12 within the guidelines established in Board of Education Policy. Every student eligible for transportation is entitled to be safely transported to and from school on a daily basis. At the same time, each student is expected to abide by the rules and regulations for appropriate school bus conduct.


In accordance with the responsibility of the Board of Education to maintain order and discipline and to assure student safety, the following regulations regarding suspension of students being transported by the District shall be followed.


Bus Drivers


Bus drivers have the responsibility to maintain reasonable behavior of students while riding school buses. However, school bus drivers may not suspend students from bus transportation. If a student engages in disorderly or insubordinate conduct while on a school bus, the driver shall refer the student to the child's School Principal for appropriate action using a form developed for this purpose (Form #7340F --School Bus Incident Referral).


Disciplinary Action


Upon receipt of a transportation disciplinary referral, the Principal will promptly notify the student's parent(s)/guardian(s)by forwarding a copy of the referral form.


Before a student can be disciplined for acts of misconduct committed while on a school bus, there must be a reasonable degree of certainty that the student was the perpetrator of, or was otherwise involved in, such conduct. The Principal will base his/her determination upon interviews with the student and any eyewitnesses involved, including other students, teachers, bus drivers, bus video recordings, if available,and/or transportation officials.


The Principal may impose an appropriate disciplinary measure in accordance with the District's

Code of Conduct, including but not limited to:


1)      Verbal and/or written warning of the potential for suspension of transportation privileges if the student misbehaves on the bus again;


2)      Detention;


3)      In-school suspension;


4)      Short or  long term suspension from transportation privileges, in accordance with due process procedures as outlined below.

The particular disciplinary measure that will be imposed (including the length of any suspension from transportation privileges) shall be based upon consideration of the nature of  the particular misconduct, the degree of potential harm to other students, the number of times a student has been previously determined to have misbehaved on a school bus, or any other factors deemed applicable by the Principal. While these disciplinary measures are intended to provide for a range of sanctions of increasing severity, the Principal reserves the authority to  impose a  long term suspension from transportation privileges (rather than a lesser penalty such as a warning) for "first time" offenders in cases of extremely dangerous conduct.


Due Process Procedures


Only the Board of  Education, the Superintendent, or  his/her designee has the authority to suspend the transportation privileges of students who are disorderly or insubordinate. In accordance with District policy,the School Principal has been delegated the authority to suspend students from bus transportation.


No student shall be suspended from riding the bus, for any period of time, until the Principal has:


1)   Prior to  the  imposition of  the  suspension, granted to  the  student and the parent(s)/guardian(s) an opportunity for an  informal conference to  discuss the factual situation underlying the threatened suspension,and


2)      Provided the student and the parent(s)/guardian(s) adequate notice of such conference.


The decision of the Principal with regard to any disciplinary action imposed may be appealed to the Superintendent of Schools. The decision of the Superintendent may be appealed to the Board of Education.


If a student with a disability, who receives transportation as a related service as part of his/her Individualized Education Program or Section 504/ADA Accommodation Plan, is being considered for suspension from transportation, and that suspension would effectively result in a change in placement, the student shall be referred to the Committee on Special Education or Section 504 Team, whichever is applicable.


Alternate Arrangements


Generally, parent(s)/guardian(s)will be required to make alternative transportation arrangements for their children who have been suspended from riding the bus. However, the effect of a suspension from transportation on the student's ability to attend school will be considered. If a suspension from transportation effectively results in a suspension from attendance because of the distance between the home and the school and the absence of alternative public or private means of transportation, the district shall make appropriate arrangements to provide for the student's education.


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