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Adoption Date: 2/14/2022
Policies - Policy Manual


The Board of Education recognizes its responsibility to make all the instructional materials used in the District’s schools available in a usable alternative format for students with disabilities in accordance with their individual educational needs and course selection at the same time as those materials are available to non-disabled students.  In accordance with applicable law and regulations, any such alternative format procured by the District will meet the National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard. 

For purposes of this policy, alternative format will mean any medium or format for the presentation of instructional materials, other than a traditional print textbook, that is needed as an accommodation for a student with a disability enrolled in the School District, including but not limited to Braille, large print, open and closed captioned, audio, or an electronic file.  An electronic file must be compatible with at least one alternative format conversion software program.

The Superintendent will develop a plan for making alternative format materials available in accordance with the timeliness requirements of this policy.  Such a plan will provide for:

1.         Preference to vendors who agree to provide instructional materials in alternative formats, and to reflect this requirement in the bidding specifications used for the procurement of instructional materials.  The same preference will be given to vendors of instructional materials ordered for the school library.

2.         Consultation with appropriate school personnel regarding how students will access electronic files.  The District’s technology staff will be notified of any need to convert electronic files into an accessible format such as Braille, large print, audio, or alternative display.

3.         The availability of hardware and/or software a student with disabilities in need of alternative format materials might require to access the instructional material. 

4.         The yearly review of the District’s ordering timelines for the purchase of instructional materials to ensure sufficient lead time for obtaining needed alternative format materials.

5.         Notification to appropriate school personnel by the CSE, CSE subcommittee, CPSE and Section 504 Committee Chairperson whenever it is determined that a student needs instructional materials in alternative format.  Such notice also will identify the particular alternative format

needed, and any assistive technology devices or services the student might need to access the alternative format materials.

6.         Notification by classroom teachers of the books they will be using in class and any list of required readings with sufficient lead time in anticipation of the District’s timelines for the purchase of instructional materials.

7.         Consultation with the school librarian to make sure that specific library resources required by a student in need of alternative format materials to participate and progress in his or her selected courses are made available to the student in an accessible format.

8.         Timely request of state assessments in alternative format.

  Ref: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 20 USC §§1474(e)(3)(B)

Education Law §§1604(29-a); 1709(4-a) 1950(4-a); 2503(7-a); 2554(7-a); 3602(10)(b)

8 NYCRR §§200.2(b)(10)

State Education Department, Office of Special Education, Policy 02-05 Amendment to Section 200.2 of the Regulations of the Commissioner Implementing Chapter 377 of the Laws of 2001: Plans to Provide Instructional Materials in Alternative Formats for Students with Disabilities, May 2002, available electronically from the SED website at www.p12.nysed.gov/specialed/publications/policy/alterformat502.htm