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Adoption Date: 12/14/2015, Revised: 11/14/2016
Regulations - Regulations



             In conformance with federal regulations implementing the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, the District establishes the following nutritional standards for all foods sold (1) outside the school meal programs, (2) on the school campus in student accessible areas, and (3) at any time during the school day. Such standards will apply to all foods sold individually and outside of the reimbursable school meal, including vending machines, school stores, and cafeteria a la carte lines. Such standards will not apply to National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program entrees sold a la carte on the day they are offered as part of a reimbursable meal, or sold on the following school day.


             For the purpose of this administrative regulation:

   1)     "Combination foods" means products that contain two or more components representing two or more of the recommended food groups: fruit, vegetable, dairy, protein or grains.

    2)      "Competitive food" means all food and beverages other than meals reimbursed under programs            authorized by the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act and the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 available for   sale to students on the school campus during the school day.

            3)      "Entrée item" means an item that is either: (1) a combination food of meat or meat alternate and                    whole grain rich food; or (2) a combination food of vegetable or fruit and meat or meat alternate; or (3) a                  meat or meat alternate alone with the exception of yogurt, low-fat or reduced fat cheese, nuts, seeds and nut            or seed butters, and meat snacks (such as dried beef jerky).

           4)      "School day" means, for the purpose of competitive food standards implementation, the period from the            midnight before, to thirty (30) minutes after the end of the official school day.

Nutritional Standards and Requirements


            Unless otherwise exempted by law or regulation, all competitive food sold to students on the school campus during the school day must:

1)      Be a grain product that contains 50% or more whole grains by weight or has a whole grain as the first ingredient; or

               2)      Have as the first ingredient a fruit, vegetable, dairy product, or protein food; or

               3)      Be a combination food that contains at least 1/4 cup of fruit and/or vegetable; or

             Unless otherwise exempted by law or regulation, competitive foods must also, at a minimum, meet the following nutrient requirements:

 1)      Calorie limits

 a.      Snack items must contain no more than 200 calories.

 b.      Entrée items must contain no more than 350 calories.

 2)      Sodium limits

 a.      Snack items must contain no more than 200mg of sodium.**

b.      Entrée items must contain no more than 480 mg of sodium.

 3)      Fat limits

            a.      Total fat may constitute no more than 35% of calories.

            b.      Saturated fat may constitute no more than 10% of calories.

   c.      Trans fat content must be zero grams (i.e., not more than 0.5 grams) per portion as    packaged or served.

 4)      Sugar limit

Total sugar content may be no more than 35% of weight per item as packaged or served.


 Nutrition Standards for Beverages

1)      All schools within the District may sell:

            a.      Plain water (with or without carbonation);

            b.      Unflavored low fat milk;

            c.      Unflavored or flavored non-fat milk and milk alternatives permitted by the National School Lunch Program and/or the School Breakfast Program;

            d.   100% fruit or vegetable juice; and

     e.   100% fruit or vegetable juice diluted with water (with or without carbonation), and no added sweeteners.

2)      Elementary schools may sell up to 8-ounce portions, while middle schools and high schools may sell up to 12-ounce portions of milk and juice. There is no portion size limit for plain water.

 3)      The following may also be sold to the District's high school students:

           a.      No more than 20-ounce portions of calorie-free flavored water (with or without carbonation).

    b.      No more than 20-ounce portions of other flavored and/or carbonated beverages labeled to contain less than 5 calories per 8 fluid ounces or less than 10 calories per 20 fluid ounces.

    c.      No more than 12-ounce portions of beverages labeled to contain no more than 40 calories per 8 fluid ounces or 60 calories per 12 fluid ounces.

4)      Energy drinks and beverages with high-fructose corn syrup or caffeine-with the exception of beverages containing trace amounts of naturally occurring caffeine-will not be sold to elementary or middle school-aged students.