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Adoption Date: 9/1/2012
Regulations - Regulations


Application for Approval of Building Use


Itwill be the responsibility of the Principal to approve all class/club activities. The class/club advisor and/or class/club president will be responsible for obtaining and filling out the necessary District form Facility Use Permit (Form #3280F). This form must be signed by both the president of the organization and the respective advisor. The completed form must be submitted to the Principal at least one (1) week in advance of the activity being requested.


Supervision of Class/Club Activities


Itis the responsibility of the respective class and/or club advisor to provide proper supervision of his/her members at all times. The following is a list of specific areas requiring definite supervision:


1)     Direct supervision of members when being transported to and from activities/events on a school bus. Incases where intervening circumstances make transportation of a student back to the point of departure or to the appropriate school in the District impractical, a representative of the School District shall remain with the student until such student's parent or legal guardian has been contacted and informed of the intervening circumstances which make such transportation impractical; and the student has been delivered to his/her parent or legal guardian.


2)     Direct supervision of members at all class and/or club activities. The advisor must be physically present at these activities.


3)     Members are  not  to  be  allowed  in  the  school  building  at  any  time  without direct supervision from the respective class/club advisor.


4)     When an event or activity is held in the school building, students will not be allowed in the building without the physical presence of the advisor. When the event/activity is completed, the advisor is to be the last to leave the building. Upon leaving, it is the responsibility of the advisor to see that all lights are turned off and that windows and doors are locked.


Posters and Advertising


All posters and/or advertising to announce fundraising activities or events should be approved by an advisor and/or Principal. This approval is to be made by both the advisor and Principal placing their initials on the respective posters or advertising. Both sets of the initials must appear on posters and advertising prior to being made public.

Clean Up Procedures Following Class/Club Activity


Following an activity/event, it will be the responsibility of the respective class advisor to see that the area utilized is properly cleaned up. This is to include: tables, chairs and/or desks replaced,with all papers, cans and other refuse disposed of properly. The areas utilized by any organization are to be left as they were found at the beginning of the activity.


Accident Reporting and Student Insurance Procedures


All accidents occurring during an extracurricular activity are to be reported to the school registered professional nurse. Anaccident of a serious nature is to be reported immediately to the Superintendent.




To provide for the operation of class/club organizations,fundraising activities will be necessary. All class/club fundraising activities must be approved by the Principal in advance. All funds raised through approved fundraising activities are to be deposited within a timely manner of the fundraising activity. The appropriate extracurricular accounting procedures are to be followed.


Startinga New Class/Club Organization


The following procedures have been established for the creation of a new class/club organization:


I)       A complete description of the proposed class/club organization must be submitted to the

Superintendentfor approval. This description is to include:


a.      Philosophy of Organization b.  Goals of Organization

c.      Name of Faculty Advisor


2)     A faculty advisor is to be obtained who is willing to fulfill all responsibilities outlined in subheading "Supervision of Class/Club Activities"of this regulation.


3)     Class/club officers are to be nominated and voted upon by the members of the proposed organizations.


4)         A proposed class/cluborganization with less than six (6) members will not be approved.

5)     The Superintendent reserves the right to accept or deny the creation of any proposed class/club organization.


Discontinuing Activities


Extraclassroomaccounts that have been inactive for two (2) years will be declared closed by the Board of Education and/or Audit Committee. Unused balances will be transferred to general student organization fund(s) as follows: Middle School Accounts will be transferred to Middle School Senate, High School Accounts will be divided equally between active class accounts, and Elementary Accounts will be transferred to Elementary Student Council.


Annual Organization Meeting


During the first two (2) months of each school year, an organization meeting will be held involving all co-curricular organizations. The agenda for this meeting will involve:


1)    Review of District co-curricular guidelines.


2)     Scheduling of annual class/club activities.


3)     Questions and answers.


Itwill be expected that ALL class advisors and elected organization leaders will be present at the

Annual Organization Meeting.


Co-curricularEligibility Procedures


Participants listed as ineligible will not be allowed to participate in class or club activities until the posting of the next week's eligibility results if, at that time, they meet the eligibility standards.